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From Our Blog
Plenary Speakers
The Conference with hear from several honourable Pleanary Speakers. Please refer to their information bellow.

SAMSA stands for Southern Africa Mathematical Sciences Association. It was established in 1981 by a group of mathematicians in the Southern African countries who were concerned with furtherance of mathematical sciences in the region. The nucleus member countries included those from the
International Scientific Committee
Professor Edward Lungu Mathematics and Statistics sciences, University of Botswana, Botswana Professor Sandile Motsa Fluid Dynamics Department
Conference Program
The Local Organizing Committee is working on the program and is happy to inform that

About the Symposium
In the sidelines of the SAMSA 2022 annual conference, UEM will also host the One

About UEM
The Eduardo Mondlane University (Portuguese: Universidade Eduardo Mondlane; UEM)is a national public institution, the oldest institution of higher

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UEM will host the 2022 Masamu Advanced Study Institute (MASI) and workshop from 18th to 27th

STEM Workshop
In the sidelines of the SAMSA 2022 Conference UEM will organize a STEM Workshop, from