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One Health Symposium
Monday, 21 November 2022
Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo, Mozambique
Call for Presentation Abstracts
To commemorate the 10th anniversary of the US-Africa Collaborative Research Network in Mathematical Sciences launched by the US National Science Foundation, an international research symposium will be held on Monday, November 21, 2022 at Eduardo Mondlane University in Maputo, Mozambique.
Symposium Theme: “Mathematics Connecting to One Health”
The symposium will focus on the interconnection of human, animal, and environmental health. We will highlight the previous work done by the network and work on future collaborative research areas and knowledge transfer. By using mathematical and statistical tools and research teams from different disciplines and geographical areas, as well as utilizing policy makers and practitioners, we can inform policy and practices to improve the health of all.
Target Participants: Allied Health organizations, agencies, government, industry, nonprofits, and academia. Participation is limited to 80 individuals.
The symposium will provide an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to showcase their current research work through 15-minute presentations or poster presentation for participants to highlight their current research work and needs for future work. Researchers and practitioners are welcome to submit abstracts by November 05 (Last call), 2022 and will be notified about the acceptance of the presentation by November 10, 2022. Space is limited, so there will be no deadline extensions.
The abstract, limited to 1 page, should include theme (see list below); title; co-authors, last and first name, organization (maximum 500 characters); an introduction, objectives, methods, results, and a conclusion. Abstracts may be submitted to
Please proceed to the Registration to participate by November 05, 2022. Note: Only symposium participants should register here, if you are also attending SAMSA 2022 kindly register through Conference registration.
Themes for Presentations and Posters:
-Stigma modeling
-Rapid Epidemic Detection Systems
-COVID-19 modelling
-Common diseases shared by animals and humans
-Transmission modeling of zoonotic and environ-
mentally induced diseases
-Reverse zoonotic disease transmission
Tentative Agenda:
-08:30 Welcome (UEM official)
-08:45 Logistics and introductions
-09:00 Presentations
-12:00 Lunch (Keynote Speaker)
-13:30 Poster session
-14:45 Breakout sessions
-17:00 Reception/Networking
-18:30 Adjourn
Participation is limited to 80 individuals.
Registration can be completed through the SAMSA Annual Conference registration form.